Blogs-Why Do People Blog?

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Blogs are very popular.

The rate at which the numbers are increasing is mind-boggling. Why is this happening? Why does everybody want to create a blog? Who else will read that blog? If everyone is busy writing his/her blog why and when will they get time to search for other blogs and read them? Because of this over population and density, will blogging become another failure? Is it a fad, which will pass away?.....

Not likely! Blogging is growing!

Let us examine.

Why do people blog?

Most of the people write blogs to express themselves. They are sure that on their blog they will get what they want printed. If they write articles or columns for newspapers they may or may not get printed. Writing a blog gives the power to each of us to get printed immediately. I personally write my blog to express myself freely and feel good to see that what I have written is on the world wide web.

Another reason for writing in a blog and website is the freedom of design, layout, and structure. Blogging gives us freedom. You write your message and it is then part of the internet so someone else can be part of your internet world.  It's as simple as that. 

Do blogs get read? How does one popularize one's blog?

These are difficult questions to answer. For most of us, it is difficult to find time and submit our blog in the increasing number of directories. It is also difficult to make sure that our blog will get one of the top rankings in a search. Only the search engines know the secret of that and others only speculate. If we try to read the articles written on this subject, not only the quantity but the difference of opinions will leave most of us tired, frustrated and undecided. One more issue- before you decide that you would want to popularize your blog, please think - whether you search for blogs and read them? Many of us are so busy writing our own blogs that we find no time looking for others. Why should this not apply to our potential readers?

I think the answer to that is because we as humans are naturally social, when we feel the need to communicate, that's what we do. One of the wonderful things about blogging is being able to share ideas about the things we feel strongly about. We may even share ideas about how we think things should be or ideas about how things could be better. Everyone is different and each person has an important experience or idea that other people may find interesting and enlightening. 

Whatever the pros and cons of blogging, one outcome is certain. Blogs give us the opportunity to write what we want and get it on the internet for the whole world to see and learn about!!

With the publicity that blogs are getting, there is no doubt that it has become one of the most effective income generating tools online today.

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