Find easy ways to write about the things you love.

Kale, spinach, carrot tops, kiwi, smoothie.... (Pour this over ice for the first thing this next morning to get a nutritious boost in your breakfast or make it as a delicious  post-workout snack. I like mine with extra kiwis please, and peeled will be all right.)

What do these items have in common?

Kale, spinach, carrot tops, kiwi, smoothie....?

They're all keywords that I might use in a blog post about smoothies. These keywords will be part of my blog post topic and I may think about them as I explain a great new recipe. Thinking about one or more of these words will help me to be explain my idea.

Today, these keywords are the catalyst of this blog post about writer's prompts and writer's block.

Today's discussion is about how you can find and use "writing prompts" to get your own great ideas on paper or in your blog, fast! Amazing, but just a few words is all it takes to get a really great idea going for a blog post!

Get some key points, keywords, and great ideas in mind and handy to work with NOW.

When blogging, you may have noticed that you will sometimes think of your next blog topic while in the strangest places. Sometimes it's when your head hits the pillow at night, in line at the grocery store, or while talking to someone on the phone. If you don't already, keep your pen handy and be ready to to jot down a few words at any time, day or night ! Trust me, you will regret the loss of some of your best possible content that you could have created for your audience if you didn't jot down that idea as soon as you thought of it. A few quick keywords or a note so you may elaborate on it later will be a really handy habit. Keep an open eye for those moments when a blog post is ready to happen, even if you weren't ready yet.

Writer's Block happens.

Conversely from having a good idea, you may have found that it seemed impossible to just get started.  A blank mind, a blank screen or paper is all that you have  encountered as you tried to get started. It's the dreaded writer's block! You may attempt to begin writing but be completely at loss of where to start.  Your mind is blocked from writing or it seems wedged in place, motionless. You are sitting down or trying to jot down some notes on your phone while in line somewhere, and nothing..... It's time to share with your audience and you think you don't have a topic.....your words are stuck!

Fear Not the momentary loss of words!

If the words are frozen gear or a completely blank space and if this should happen to you, then be prepared to wedge loose your frozen words and stop being motionless. 

If you're looking at a blank page or screen, then use one or more of these suggested writing prompts to get your words flowing and your great idea to your audience.

You will overcome the Writer's Block. Your blog content is only a few words or pictures away from flowing freely to your blog and on it's way to your valuable audience.

Here's how you can use prompts to get blogging fast!

Let' examine a few tools that you may find very handy when in a pinch. Now, all we have to do is get a little bit of content wedged loose so it may be built upon. You want to make a meaningful message to be shared in the blog post and you have to get those blog messages wedged loose and flowing from your pen and onto paper. You must get from an idea barely grasped to a blog post published and cheered by fans. You want to share and idea and make it into a meaningful message for your readers and followers. What is your solution? 

Your solution to "drawing a blank" when you go to write is for you to use a "prompt" to loosen up your words.

A writing prompt is a word, phrase, or picture that is used to prompt the mind to think about something. The mind is "prompted" into thinking.


Choosing a prompt. A prompt is going to be how you get from idea or lack of idea to real content creation. Use a "small piece of an idea", a prompt, and then build it bigger and bigger until you have made something out of what was nothing!

Content writing takes resources and time. It's especially hard to write content if you're facing a bad case of writer's block or just don't know where to start. That's when the use of some good writer's prompts come in handy to a resourceful blogger.

Use these ideas to get your next great blog post started;

Use a Dictionary or Thesaurus.

The dictionary will often get you out of a jam when things go blank. Just open it and randomly pick a word and use it. Think about your topic and a message. Start small. Short sentences. Then elaborate. Use the random word you have just picked in a sentence in your blog.

Using the dictionary or thesaurus again.

This time, look up the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of a word that relates to your chosen topic. This will almost surely help you to look at your topic or message from different angles. You will find other related keywords and may be able to firmly approach your topic from a selected perspective. Stay on topic. Writer's prompts are not the plan for your post, but simply a wedge to loosen the flow of words.

Your blog post is your message, that may or may not be a reflection of the prompt that got your content to flow out into your post.

Outlines for building form 1,2,3.

Build your blog content using an outline. An outline will help to keep your blog on topic in the way you present your message. An outline will also help you size your blog post. Sizing your blog post will help to keep your readers from being overwhelmed with content, especially if you are planning a large discussion or need more than one post to explain something. Outlines can be very helpful at keeping messages the same size so that readers and followers know how much time they should expect when they read one. Outlines are a great habit. Even if they are short outlines, they will make writing much easier over time. Outlines are very useful for many reasons. Use them often.

Use Keywords.

(start with one or two).

A "keyword" is a word that most equally resembles your idea or message. Use them throughout your blog post. Include one in your blog post title. Keywords are very important to blogging. Keywords help search engines find people to read your blog. Use keywords, they are important. When using a keyword as a writing prompt, choose one that relates to your main idea. Think about it, and then describe how it relates to what you are writing. Build on it. When you feel you have started your content, choose another one and elaborate further. Build on one central idea and give it some form that represents your message.

A few keywords will be enough for a good start.

Make subheadings for your post content. 

Make your blog post a certain size or number of words. If you write down a few key points in the form of subheadings, elaboration may be easier. Without going too long with the story, build your next few paragraphs to explain the subheading. You will find that some readers are in a hurry. They will look for the main idea. Make your subheadings the main point of your writing that follows. 

Your post writing will be easier if you do that. You will be able stay with the flow of your plan and on topic. You will find it easier to explain your topics and messages if your paragraphs following each subheading are an explanation of the subheading before it.

. This way your content and writing is split into easy to read chunks of knowledge. Build the paragraphs following your subheadings to explain your topic. Your subheadings are a few words of summary that describes the following paragraph or paragraphs.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Use a picture to create thought in your mind about what you are trying to write. Find a picture that relates to your idea and begin to describe the relationship the visual has with the thoughts and feelings you are trying to share. The picture does not have to match exactly. You are only trying to achieve brain motion that relates to your subject. Think about what is the same and what is different. You may be able to include a discussion of differences between two ideas in your attempt to make a point or create a perspective for your reader.

Have fun. Start small. Remember, everyone started somewhere. I hope this helps.

For further reading, find the meaning of the following keywords:

#content writing #content

#blog #blogger #blogging

#writers block #message

#readers #followers # audience

#repurpose #keywords

#prompting words

Your blog is your message, it's what you created for your audience. When you blog, you may approach your topic or themes from many different angles. By using writer's prompts you will be able to wedge loose the words and messages that are frozen in place and hard to get started when it's time to get busy on your valuable blog.

Make the most of your prompted idea.

By using this method of creating thought, you may find it possible for you to create enough ideas for your blog post. Use your keywords and prompts for other posts. Elaborate and expand on ideas you wish to share with your readers, followers, and audience.

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If you are having fun with your blog and you would like learn more, hurry back! We will have more good news for you!

Have a great day and happy blogging 😊👍!

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