New Year's Marketing Resolutions For Successful Blogging And Increased Sales [New For 2022]

 It's Time To Resolve To Be More Successful This Year!

Marketing and Goal Achievement for success is a matter of planning and practice.

I hope you’re as excited for the upcoming year as I am. Time again for those New Year’s Resolutions.

Are you making them again this year? Or, are you like some I’ve talked to who say you’re going to skip making them so you don’t have to break them again.

So what’s it going to be this year – lose weight, get in shape, improve some of your relationships, take some more time off and actually take a vacation this year?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to lecture you about making your resolutions more realistic this year so you can actually stick to them. You already know that you need to create a plan to achieve them and then put it into action.

How about a Marketing Resolution?

I simply invite you to resolve to get into marketing shape this year. Become a stronger marketer for the sake of your business. And, you don’t have to count “carbs” or “grams of fat” to stick to this resolution. However, you will need a plan and commitment to put it into action.

“You don’t have to be some kind of marketing wizard or guru to get great marketing results. You do, however, need to be willing to put in regular and consistent effort.”

I say this to people all of the time because it’s true. You could even say that I’m living proof of this statement. A little bit of work now goes a long way later. Sure it's work…. But, I do have a system that I put regular and consistent time and effort into maintaining and improving.

Caution: A Marketing Resolution Will Require Work...

When I was watching television the other night, one of those commercials came on. You know what I’m talking about? It was one where a couple claims that each lost 30 to 40 pounds by taking this “magic” pill. They showed the before and after pictures where the couple was obviously flabby and out of shape in the before pictures. In the after pictures, the couple was not only much slimmer; they looked like they had been carved out of marble.

In a question of obvious surprise and disbelief, I asked myself, “How did they get so ‘buff and cut’ just from taking a pill?” Then I looked for the fine print and sure enough the commercial proceeded to explain that results were achieved through a combination of regular diet, exercise and taking the “magic pill” product. (Some of which I'm sure work pretty well, but…. “Couldn’t they have gotten those results just from the diet and exercise?”

Today's article isn’t about the ridiculousness of the “magic pill” commercial. No, this article is for those of us who want to make some positive changes in our business. We’re doing some planning for how to make our next year our best year yet. We’re not waiting for that gentle nudge to start getting into marketing shape. 

Come on then. Let’s get started!...

I would like to invite you to create two or three goals that will make a difference to your business. And then, put them on a calendar on your wall. If you don’t complete them are you any worse off? But, if picking them and putting them on a calendar is enough to help you get some results then you’ve discovered a simple system to achieve positive change.

Here are a few suggestions for marketing resolutions that you can stick to and would help make a difference in the next year.

1. Commit to learning something about marketing every month. There are several ways you could put this on the calendar and actually hold to this resolution. Every month you could commit to read a book, attend a seminar, attend a workshop, enroll in a tele-class, or buy and listen to audio on some specific marketing topic.


You don’t necessarily have to try to learn everything about marketing all at once. But, you do owe it to yourself to continuously learn. Pick a different marketing topic for each month and then determine your preferred learning method.

2. Commit to write something about your area of expertise every month. Writing is probably the single most important marketing skill you can master. The good news here is that you get to write about what you already know. Then finding ways for you to share what you write will actually serve as a client attracting marketing tool for you.

Think of how much you’d be getting the word out about what you’re great at if you wrote and distributed something every month. Write a tip sheet to give to clients and referral sources. Start a newsletter or ezine to start sending to everyone in your network of contacts. Submit articles to the publications that your target market turns to for information.

3. Commit to testing your "attention getting message" every month. The first thing you say when someone asks, “What do you do,” should create some interest and get your listeners to ask for more information.

Put some networking events on your calendar for each month of the year. Stop worrying about trying to get a new client. Just go and test your "attention getting message" to see who asks you to tell them a bit more. Here’s a great follow-up when someone does ask for more information – offer to send them something that you’ve recently written on the topic (see #2 above).

Just like all those exercise resolutions you made in the past, even scheduling just a few hours a week or a month will begin to make a difference.

A Few More Tips To Make Your New Year’s Marketing Resolutions Stick...

Once you make your resolutions (hopefully getting into marketing shape is one of them), write them down in big letters and put them up where you’ll see them every day. Tell at least three people who will help you stick with it.

Sometimes you just have to hear something over and over again until it really sinks in. “You don’t have to be a marketing guru to get great marketing results, but you do need to be willing to put in regular and consistent effort.”

Just like an exercise program, if you write it out then you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Get a simple marketing calendar and commit to specific marketing activities every month.

Want a few exercises to get you started? Read the E-Myth Revisited. Write a one page tip sheet on the top three things your clients could do to improve their current situation immediately. Practice a new introduction that gets people to say, “Wow, I’d like to hear more.”

Don’t go it alone. If you’re serious about getting into marketing shape this year, consider the benefits of a marketing coach or joining an  accountability or mastermind group.

Without training and development, an intention is likely to be a struggle.  Goal achievement depends on high levels of productivity, real results, and clear vision of success. Put your personal and business development training at the top of your agenda to help make sure you have clear goals. When you make goals and are on your path to achieve them, your success is almost guaranteed.

Small city park with benches and a garden.

Get the results you are looking for when achieving more in your life. 

Explore what is possible. Find out what a clear plan towards goal achievement can do to exponentially propel you into the success of your dreams.  There are valuable learning resources available to you with each Coaching Program at the ProctorGallagher Institute. They specialize in helping people focus on and create business and personal goals that will lead to the success they desire.

Reach the ProctorGallagher Institute HERE.

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Make the most of your Marketing and Business Plans for this New Year!

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#Coaching #PersonalDevelopmentCoach #Success #ProctorGallagherInstitute 

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Find out how Affiliate Marketing can make you even more successful than you are now!!

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This has been New Year's Marketing Resolutions For Successful Blogging And Increased Sales [Updated For 2024]

Read more about blogging and successful marketing by following the links below. Be sure to explore the resources included in this article's links to help improve your marketing and goal achievement results.

With the publicity that blogs are getting, there is no doubt that it has become one of the most effective income generating tools online today.

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#Blog #Blogging #BloggingTips #MakeMoneyOnline #WorkFromAnywhere #WorkFromHome

👉Read more about marketing

👉Read more about personal development.

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